Consolidated Metal Industries (CMI) a New Zealand company also manufactured nails amongst its product range. During the mid 1960’s an arrangement was agreed upon for Sidney Cooke Fasteners (NZ) Ltd to become an associate company of CMI. The company was formed with CMI Ltd and SCF Pty Ltd each holding a 50% shareholding and this arrangement profited both parties well until the early 1980’s when CMI purchased the 50% shareholding that was held by SCF Pty Ltd.

With both companies protected from importation it was not unusual for severely long delivery times or lead times to be experienced by customers and quite often these delivery times were in excess of 30 to 36 weeks. Lobbying to government by disenchanted retailers merchants and end user customers eventually led to the Import Licensing System being abandoned and a Free Market System being established.
Lessening demand for the standard product ranges of machine screws self-tapping screws and woodscrews paved the way for CMI Screws and Fasteners to investigate the manufacture of the “bolt” range. CMI Screws and Fasteners commenced manufacturing mild steel 4.6 class bolts from M6 diameter through to M10 diameters.

With the introduction of the Bolt and Nut products in conjunction with the collating of the Senco Nails, CMI Screws & Fasteners were able to “weather the storm” and continue to operate as a viable and profitable company.